Tuesday, June 4, 2019

The Theory Of Positivism Sociology Essay

The Theory Of Positivism Sociology EssayAs what Beauvoir had said, Representation of the world, like the world itself, is the work of workforce they describe it from their lead of raft, which they confuse with the absolute truthMen dominates the efficacious system, has created police and theories about police force. The law is made in how they contain the world. It becomes their representation of macrocosm and it is held to be the absolute truth. Based on such argu ments, the law is thus gendered. This is due to a patriarchy world where men rules over women. A patriarchy world where an unjust complaisant system which is oppressive towards women exists. It looks at them non as an individual capable of the same reasoning as men and non on equal standing with men.Liberal feminism challenges male mastery by showing that there be no disagreeence between men and women. Both men and women are equal and capable of the same social role without any form discrimination. However, Catharine Mackinnon does not agree with liberal feminism. She believes and argues that invoke and cozy urge are the main reason, the fundamental reason why women are being dominated and discriminate. Sexual domination is the main reason for sexism.To understand deeply on Catharine Mackinnons argument of sexual domination, we need to first understand on how the law objectifies, how sexual domination occurs in the reality and other counter arguments.Mackinnon pointed out that the completely problem with this unjust system is the dominance of men over women2. This domination is deeply embedded in the system, in the Rule of Law. It is not a yield of rights or being equal with men as what the Liberal womens rightists chaffer. It is the domination of women by men by the law/the State which is male in nature.The domination occurred due to the objectification of women by men. Men objectify women. As the legal system is dominated by men, the law thus objectify women. Thus sexism was b orn. Liberal womens rightist see it as an illusion or myth that need to be dispelled but Mackinnon views it as a male power that creates the world in its knowledge image and how male desires it to be. This is quite true as the law is legislated by male and thus it does not take into account of the point of view of women. Nor does it drafts ground on a womens experience of everyday animateness by women and for women. It was after all drafted by white upper class men to be pick out and their opinions which they held to be the absolute truth.The irony is that despite being excluded from the legislating process, women are bound by the rules. The law was not create for the benefit of women as what women retrieve they ought to be but merely it was create by what men thinks benefit the women. By not taking into account the point of view of women and their everyday life and experience, the law is thus ineffective and oppressive.This is why objectivity epistemology is the law of law. O bjectivity is just a conception of the society by men. Men legitimizes itself by reflecting their dogmas and view of existing society, a society men made and makes by so seeing it and calling that view and that relation practical rationality and objective. Thus the law shows men rules and dominates over women and in a male authority. To put it more than simply, objectification is the primary process of the subordination of women.How does objectification occur? How does it affect women as what the radical feminist preaches?Mackinnon in her works examined the law regarding rape and how the law had objectified it. She stated that, where the legal system has seen the intercourse in rape, victims see the rape in intercourse3. The legal system describes rape as violence and failed to see the effects of rape toward women. For all the law could see was the intercourse in rape but the victims see rape in intercourse. The law failed to see from the point of view of women and imposed their view, the view of upper class white men and the law was legislated according to their views. outrage law is one of the many laws which were objectified. According to s1 (1) (a) Sexual Offences Act 2003, rape is defined by the penetration of penis. The law is fixed upon the act of penetration. It shows oppression toward women by defining the element of rape from the point of view of male.What Mackinnon try to point out from her analysis of rape law is that the law is based on a male point of view and incapable of understanding or even comprehend the perspective from a woman point of view. It renders the law to be nonadjacent and unable to understand rape from the experience of a victim.The rape law is only concern with penetration of the vagina, it reflects upon a loss defined in a male term. It favours male sexuality rather than womanish sexuality. It does not understand what loses the female went through but what male loses instead. Mackinnon described rape as a crime against fem ale monogamy than against female sexuality4. This is very true with such phallus-centric definition of rape. It acts as a protection for men more than a female. The female sexuality was ignored their experience and resentment of rape were not taken into account. The rape law is to protect the property of men which is women. Women are thus objectified. They are not considered to be equal with men they are sadly, regarded as property. This is oppression on the ground of sex.Sex is defined by men and on what they believe to be. It is the masculine form of sex that was incorporated into the law. The law was imposed onto women and male domination occurred. The projection of a patriarchal belief and vision of female sexuality occur and imposed onto the body of women.Consent is the line that governs between what is rape and intercourse. Intercourse without consent is rape. This show how the law governed and defined the sexuality of women. infraction in the eyes of women is not prohibited but it is in reality regulated. When a woman is rape and the prosecution failed on the ground of consent, the women is not considered to assimilate suffers any loss. Because it is sex and it is not a violation and thus it could not be an injury. The law governed from the point of view of men. When women described rape, men could only see sex for they see it as sex. Thus the law objectified from a male point of view and dominated over women who are forced into subordination. It fails to deal with the more important issue, how the law going to reduce the rate of women being rape.While it is very true that the law is male and phallocentric in nature, radical feminism focuses to a fault much on the issue of sex and sexuality. It does not take into account of other types of oppression and other school of feminism. It is criticised for being essentialist, oppositional, and utopian5.Mackinnon presented her argument as the universal truth and essentialises the experience that women faced. She sees sexual division as the foundational division at the heart of social life. This is because according to her oppression of women occurred because male dominates women over sex and reproductive rights. Due to this sex domination, women are thus oppressed and discriminated.However radical feminist reduces everything to sex and emphasise everything to sex. Mackinnon stated, Sex makes a woman a woman. Sex is what women are for6. This shows that sexual oppression exceeds due to what men perceive women to be. Mackinnon turned her theory into the ultimate truth and failed to take into account of other cultures or other oppressed groups. What she did was the same as what white upper class men did. Objectified the world according to what they believe. Thus by adopting the method men had used, did she not ended up being the same as men and render her argument against liberal feminisms aspiration to be like men to be nothing.Mackinnon and her sexual objectification had victimised wome n. It had in a sense betrayed the goal of feminism of overturning and restructuring this patriarchy world. It reduces women into victim and to be subjected into sexual violence instead of empowering them. She creates a specific instance for women and assumes that all women have the same experience. All women undergo the same sexual oppression whether they are lesbians, non-white women and for other non-privileged women which is not true..Sexism occurs in a variety musical mode and sex is not the only cause for it. There is after all a variety different cause of sexism that happens in the world. In America, it may be due to sex as what Mackinnon had argued but what about those from Islamic nations where sexism occurs due to religious or cultural reasons. For example, women are not allowed to drive in Saudi-Arabian Arabia and Chinese women used to practise foot binding during the 19th century A.D. It is not due to sexual domination but due to religious belief and, for the latter, cu ltural traditions. While it is truth that men objectified women and thus a patriarchy world was born but it is not sex that is the only cause. Gender stereotypes, social reproduction, cultural are only a few examples of how sexism occurs.Cultural feminist, Carol Gilligan7stated that boys and girls reason differently to resolve problems. Their ways to react and deal with problems differ from one another. Boys tend to focus on individual entitlement and generate rules to solve problems or conflicts. Girls tend to emphasise on personal relationship and seek compromise so that everyone interests are taken into account.What happen is that gender stereotypes occur since young and children are brought up in such scenarios. This creates a social reproduction. Discrimination happen to women is not just due to sex domination. It is due to gender stereotype that was installed into children since they are young. They grew up and they acted the way they though they ought to be.Davies asks, how c an we disentangle ourselves from the social milieu which has made us what we are8? This question is respond towards Mackinnons feminism which focuses too much on sex subordination. Men and women are different and this is a by nature self-evident attributes.Clearly Mackinnon did not agree with Gilligan in regards the oddments between men and women. But it is impossible to think of such world where there is no difference between men and women. It is clearly beyond our comprehension and clearly too utopic in nature. This is due to us being brought up in a patriarchy world and socialise according to the order of such world.Radical feminists strive to eliminate sex subordination and by doing so eliminate the way the law looks and objectified women due to her sex. Nevertheless the question remains, how it is possible for women to be defined in an alternative legal way when the difference between men and women are not just sex but naturally and self-evident attribute. It is too utopic t hat it is absurd and incomprehensible.I do agree with most feminists that the law is male in nature. It is phallocentric and it objectifies women the way we men see women and think women ought to be and imposes it to be the law. Nevertheless, I could not endorse or agree with Mackinnons view that sex and sexual subordination are the fundamental reason for women to be discriminated against. It is too simplistic. For in my opinion, there are others valid reasons why the law objectifies women as men see it. One of them is Gilligans point of view that women and men have different voices and ethics. We are brought up in this patriarchy world and our points of views are being shaped by what society thinks we ought to hold based on our gender. Radical feminism pretends that their point of view to be the ultimate truth without taking into account of other groups such as melanize women or lesbian. Lastly, it forgets that other part of the Earth have different reasons for sexism to occur, b e it cultural or even religion.

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